Within 14 days of receiving complete underwriting materials, UMFREA will contact the borrower to advise if approval to close is granted.  If granted, the borrower needs to submit the following for pre-closing:

  1. Certificate of insurance (with construction endorsements) and proof of current status (from insurance agent)
  2. Proof of active chapter in good standing (an email confirmation stating your 'chapter is registered and in good standing with the University'  from Erik Dussault, Assistant Director, Student Unions & Activities dussault@umn.edu)
  3. If there is a first mortgage on the property, a proof of current status of the loan and lender's consent to this second mortgage (this can be a one sentence letter or email from your lender verifying your existing loan is current and your lender is aware of your intent to place a second loan).
  4. Proof of current status of real estate taxes from Minneapolis or St. Paul 
  5. Zoning and Flood Plain letter from the City of Minneapolis or St. Paul  (search for Zoning Certification Letter)
  6. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
  7. Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State
  8. Borrower Certificate (document below)
  9. Affidavit of no disciplinary actions (document below)
  10. Certificate of other funds committed if project cost exceeds loan amount. (a letter confirming other funds as noted in the application are in place)
  11. HPC approval, if required

Closing is subject to satisfactory submission and approval of all materials.